Some good moments...
First of all, thanks to everyone for being supportive during my minor crisis last week. I am currently working on the new car hunt (slightly less horrifying than a job hunt) and will be sure to let you know when I get my new companion for the road!
I just wanted to post about a few moments this last week which have been truly wonderful ...
Monday, 5th period. My University Supervisor had finally come to observe my class for the first time this year. I had been stewing for days, on top of my other issues, trying to make this lesson especially perfect for her, on paper my lesson was amazing! But then there is the issue of the kids, they can be great one day and totally ridiculous another. But this 5th period class on this day was the best I have ever seen them be. Kids were participating, asking good questions, working hard, listening to directions and following them... and they were even laughing at my lame jokes! I knew that my evaluation would be good because of their awesome behavior... Thank you 5th period, that day you were heroes!

Thursday sometime. One of my kids named Texas when I asked the class what continent we live on. Classic. I love it!
Saturday afternoon. Finding THE MOST perfect book to use for my lessons this next week at the library. Well and being at the library in general.. I love that place! OH, and Karen's amazing shakes for desert after dinner Saturday night too! That was a great moment.
This morning. Holding Phoebe as she fell asleep for her morning nap. Precious.
More to come I'm sure! Hope you all have a wonderful life too this week.