I Messed with Texas

Six or seven years ago I bought a gray T-shirt. The shirt has a few gun shots scattered with the words 'I messed with Texas' written across the front. Though I swore up and down when I bought the shirt that it would never return to its homeland, I made sure I wore that shirt as I crossed the border into Texas.

Brandon rode with me in my Colorado-granola, Subaru wagon all the way from Denver through Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas to James's house down here in Houston. With James and his four girls out of town for the month of August, I was pretty lonely those first few days not really knowing anyone. But thanks to the friendly members of the single's ward, the teachers I work with, and my awesome friends and family I've been able to keep busy and keep my spirits up.

So tonight I am on the eve of my first day of school as a Student Teacher at Teague Middle School teaching US History to 8th graders. Teague is a more diverse school than I ever went to or even observed so I am in for a new experience and I'm getting excited! I'll do my best to keep this blog updated and not too dull. Wish me luck.

P.S. I wish I had a cute new first-day-of-school outfit so I could take a picture in front of the fireplace posing with my backpack and lunchbox like I used to when I was in 3rd grade. Maybe next year.


Liann said…
LOVE IT!! Kirsten I know you and you'll have those meaningful relationships that make life not so lonely soon enough! I also wish I could have caught that picture of your first day of school--too cute!! Enjoy this new adventure while it's still new and challenging you beyond what you thought you were capable of handling, because you'll get used to it all in no time.
Ruth said…
Good luck, Kirsten!!! You can do it! Just remember that they can totally see through you if you're not confident, so buck up and be confident even if you aren't! Glad you're blogging!
Kelli said…
Yes!!! I am so glad you decided to create a blog. Best of luck teaching. I know you will do great. Make sure you do a blog of your first week. We want details!
Anonymous said…
I can not believe you messed with TX. You know they still call the Civil War "THE WAR" down there. Good luck with the language. Did you do any correspondence courses in Texan before you left? Here is a hint: when someone says "I'm fixing to go..." they mean they are leaving. Unlike people in MA. who say "I have to go make" when going #2. Hee, hee.
We miss you!!!
Anonymous said…
I am ready with the camera.....!!!

I can send you 'monkey' if you need her.. and your blanky... :)

I am proud of you Hon! You can handle everything that comes your way!!!

Love you,


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