Things I've seen on tv while at the gym

So Scott and I joined this really snazzy gym which happens to be attached to our building. It cost us a pretty penny to join, but we figured it could double as exercise and entertainment that is close to home for the long 40 degrees below zero nights we are expecting in January.

The machines at the gym are also snazzy and they allow you to watch TV on a personal screen and choose what to watch. I have been using this fancy feature to assist in my learning Russian and to make the workouts go a little faster. Below is a list of some of the things I've watched while gliding on the elliptical machine.

1. An amateur competition of children doing tricks while atop a walking horse. The costumes were not even what I could call hideous, strange is really the only word that comes to mind.

2. A dubbed episode of Castle. I have never seen the show and so had no clue what was happening but watched anyway trying to learn Russian by reading the lips of the actors and listening carefully to the dubbing. Did't work out so well.

3. A dubbed portion of the movie Bride Wars. I have seen this movie so I learned the word cake in Russian. Tort. or Topt as you would write it here.

4. An opera in Russian and subtitled in French about a hotel and its guests. Or maybe it was about an office and its employees. Not really sure since I didn't catch a single word for all my trying.

5. Something from the seventies or eighties that looked like a televised debate or discussion between someone named Vladimir (Putin potentially) with a crowd behind him and some Americans on a panel with a crowd behind them. They seemed to be discussing a political cartoon with a bunch of stereotypical Americans (cowboy, prostitute, spy, military man, pick pocket, etc.) riding a horse made out of money with human legs. I didn't really understand the conversation or the cartoon but was thoroughly interested by the whole thing.

6. A horoscope report. Not unlike a weather report, a pleasant looking woman wearing a leopard print dress stood to the side of some images of stars, yin yang signs, and a picture of two hammers crossed and reported on the various horoscopes. Again, really wish I could've understood what she was saying. Up next on this channel was a show about exorcism. Shame I was finished with my workout.

7. A children's program about the letter N but actually it was a backwards N with two dots above it that I don't have on my keyboard and it makes the sound like an I at the end of a word. I was repeating the words along with the puppets in the show but had no clue what they mean.


Haha! I love your multi tasking! Gym/entertainment/language & culture lessons all wrapped into one!

I have loved you and Scotts frequent and interesting posts.
I hope the school year is starting off smoothly and you soon find your rhythm.

love ya to Kazakhstan and back!

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